To Africa and Beyond

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Sula Bulungi

So in moments like I this, I do I have to stand back and smile. Miss E went to bed with a full belly, bright eyes and a sheepish smile. In her own way she expressed me, "Mama, I got this. I'll put myself to bed tonight." Where do I sign!!

Ten minutes later, this is how I found her!! Ellie definitely has to do things "her" way. =) 

Right now the nights are long. Long AND hard. With my sweet husband in AL I am most certainly missing his help in the wee small hours. And whew. Doing this singlehandedly - oh my. But even though the hard moments are there (like having a crying baby from 12-2 am) so are the {really sweet} moments like this that has me grateful for the thick and thin times that are meant to point us to Jesus and seek rest in Him. 

So even though I probably won't be sleeping much, I will take joy and rest!! In knowing that God IS giving me exactly what I need in this very moment.
Sula Bulungi abantu 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

{7 Months} 03.31

Miss Ellie Jo turned 7 months old yesterday!! Time is definitely flying right before my very eyes. 

The latest tricks involve a few of these:
Crawling (since 6 months)
She magically taught herself how to wave - seriously what baby does that?!
Pulls up and goes along scooting the item is she holding onto (i.e. the couch, coffee table, me...)
Recognizes people in photographs
Her bottom left tooth is now poking through and to the right of that spot along with her upper twos look quite swollen!! 
Therefore, that means we are no longer waking up once a night anymore. Oh well. This season is short too. And thanks to teething she is quite the cranky, whiny baby with out bursts of tears and happiness. What? I get so confused. 

Daniel left {EARLY} Saturday morning to AL. We have been missing him terribly, but have been enjoying the time here in FW to soak up with our families and friends. 

Are you enjoying this BEAUTIFUL weather lately? Ellie is our little creation lover and really loves the outside nature. Daniel and I really appreciate that part of her. =) 
Happy Tuesday!!

First time on the swing. . . I think she {LOVED IT}