To Africa and Beyond

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Noun: Desire; inclination: "I have little list to write".

* wash dishes in kitchen * pack up one box * check e-mail * laundry * walk * 

update blog * finish Shutterfly project * trim nails * finish painting toes  

* organize fridge * write a letter * cut flowers * read Jeremiah three * drink 

three liters of water * cut and freeze mangoes/strawberries * 
One of my favorite flowers!*
I often attempt writing down lists for several reasons.
1.) Being pregnant seems to leave me on a blank slate lately and I forget what all I want to accomplish that day.
2.) I need little goals that keep me going.
3.) To cross off each thing on the list.
4.) To see what areas I need to put more effort in.
5.) And also, to get stuff done.

Does this always work? Unfortunately, the honest answer to that question is: No.

I'm sure by now, my sweet hubby is tired of seeing my random lists laying around the apartment [unfinished]. I know I am. Some days I only get two things marked off. Other days I get the whole list done. How come? 

Adjective: Not staying the same throughout.

Lately, it seems that God is gently reminding me through my pregnant, human self that I am [inconsistent].  Hm. That would also seem to imply that I am incompatible, conflicting, and contradictory at times too. See God is [none] of those things. 

Lamentations 3:22 & 23
The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

See? What a nugget of truth that is? This promise has led me to praise and worship God for who He is and for what He isn't. Unlike everything, everyone, or every place God is [unchanging]. God will not disappoint me in my time of need. There have been times when I have placed my hope in a person or place or thing only to end up being disappointed. Sometimes hurt. Praise God that He isn't like that. Rejoice in the small blessings and the big ones. 

My season is changing. I'm currently 27.5 weeks along with Baby Brantley. Daniel and I are researching places to move, I am off for the next few months from serving in the nursery room at church, I've already been married for eight months, growing what seems like everyday, and on and on it could go. There's a lot of unknowns. I try not to be daunted by facing the unknowns because I know in a short while, when the time comes I'll know exactly how everything played out and then, it will only be history from then on. 
Count your blessings. Enjoy today's moments. Cherish those around you. The seasons change too swiftly to try holding on too tightly. Make the most with what you have. Don't get caught up in the "must get done" list that you end up missing what's around you. Remember the story of Martha and Mary? Soak up the time you have. 
The pictures really don't do them justice!
*Sorry for the random flowers, but wanted to share a little bit of summer with y'all. =)

Monday, May 20, 2013

thoughts on now

Where do I begin? I haven't done anything to keep the blog going because I simply worked and coached when I returned back to the States from village life and didn't feel the need, the importance to post about such things. In short, I needed time to readjust living back home again. I loved my village life there. I loved the people and the ministry opportunities I was given. I was given the village name Nazziwa (it has no meaning, but I chose that for me to become the meaning). I wept a lot before I left Kubamitwe. I could not imagine what leaving it behind would look like. I cried a ton more when I got to Fort Worth. It was hard. I hurt. A lot of healing God had to do. I started the blogging world when I was preparing to leave for Uganda in 2010. Sad to say as I begun updating the blog again last week, I lost all my previous posts. All of them. I bawled. I managed to copy about 7 of the posts and perhaps I'll re-post them someday, but not now. Bittersweet. I changed my current location on here from Luweero to Fort Worth. It's little things like that that bring a flood of tears and waves of emotions. "To Africa and Beyond" will stay. I couldn't start all over with a new blog. That's where this has all started and now it will continue on with the life after village living. 

A lot has changed since my last entry. I have traveled approximately 70,272 miles since 2009 - the girl who use to content herself with the idea of staying in Texas. Bogus. After 6 months of being away from home and my boyfriend, I came back, started working, coaching Jr. Varsity volleyball (with my sister) for a home school program PT Warriors. What a very exciting year learning things together as a team. We traveled to Springfield, MO to play in a National tournament (the girls first tournament ever!!!) and got 2nd place! Least to say Kathryn and I were thrilled/proud of these girls and the opportunity we had to coach them. 

Daniel and I's relationship continued to grow. Someday, I'll have to go into detail about how we knew each other from childhood, but no way on earth would we ever end up... Well, married like we are now. =) On April 16th, of 2012 my sweet boyfriend sat me on a tree, told me (for the first time - even though I knew this way before with the twinkle in his eyes) that he loved me and also asked me to marry him! I said yes! Which was followed with a lot of "wows" as well. We had a ball being engaged together and walking through new things hand in hand. Our engagement was 5 months long and [I] was the one who ended up being impatient at waiting and always asking, "Tomorrow? Let's just do it tomorrow." On September 23rd, (yah, that hot 90 degree day) we joined together as husband and wife. Three weddings in my family in less than 2 years. Crazy good. Seven months of married life has been wonderful. I love having Daniel around and doing things together with my bestest friend and most of all being his lady. I love being a Brantley!

Since then Daniel and I have been quite the travelers. Now that Little B is coming it has helped us slow down and soak our time up. We are preparing for a family of 3. I can hardly believe we're nearly there. August 25th (although only 5% of babies actually arrive on their due date). I love seeing Daniel's sweet smile whenever he talks about Little B. The birthing classes begun last night (for 10 weeks!) and it was a blast! We laughed and learned together with 5 other couples which was fun. More on that later.

Sorry for the long post, but thanks for bearing with me. I knew this would be the hard one to write. Try to recap over the previous couple of years - too much. Til next time,  Mweraba