At this point I have to admit, I am afraid to play "catch ups" in this post. I last blogged what? 5 months ago? I am getting real good at consistently updating. Bear with me as I do a brief summary of what time has been soaked up.
I was in good spirits even though August 25th came and went. I honestly did not expect baby Brantley to arrive yet (and was really grateful since my head midwife was out of town that weekend!). In brief, after nearly 64 hours of labor (who knew marathon labors existed right?!) I finally held my baby on 08.31 at 7:04 pm. What a sight she was since is a beauty!! Weighing 7 lbs 12 oz., 20 in" long, and her head measured 14.5" round. Our midwife Kelli noted during the newborn exam, "She has awesome muscle tone!" Believe me, this little girl would after all the kicking, water aerobics, and belly flips she did inside me.
We named her Emmanuelle Jo.
We loved the name meaning "God is with us" and Jo is after 2 of her great grandmothers. We nicknamed her 'Ellie' which fits her like a glove.
09.23 came and went.
Daniel and I celebrated our 1st anniversary with our 3 week old baby at Uno's since he had never had deep dish pizza before (note booths are not deep enough to hold a crying baby-annoying). I think we stopped for coffee afterwards-I can't remember.
10 held celebrations and tears for us.
I have now turned to an aged 24 and Daniel the great 25! Half way to 50!! One simple way decided to "go big" was give him a bag with 25 items in it. He really enjoyed the creativity and thought I put into it. The same week we did both our birthday bash we received a package telling us that Daniel finally got accepted (after trying for 3 years) into the Nursing program... In Alabama.
A huge answer to prayer, but not one without tears as I knew this meant moving my family away "from home" once again. Hey. At least this time we have internet, cell phones with good connections (unlike before in my beloved jungles). We hope and pray God will bring us back to the FW area when the 18 months is up.
11.21-11.24 involved a really meaningful time with my special family.
My family has simple traditions. Not very many, but just enough to remember our family does this and that. Since my siblings got married my parents decided to try and plan a family vacation with all of us in place of Christmas gifts in 2012 (3 days after we returned from our honeymoon in WA).
We ALL loved it so much my parents have decided to do this every year if everyone is able. I love new traditions. We traveled to a farm house in Glen Rose. It rained nearly the whole time, but that didn't stop the laughter, joy, new memories, and love we shared together. This year was bittersweet. With our time together shortening each day before we leave...
(hopes of next year being on the beaches in AL!!)
12 Daniel and I packed, loaded, moved, and packed some more.
12.13-12-22 involved a small family of 3 with a very tall brother in law of mine traveling overseas to see a dear person we love.
Ellie and Nate's 1st time to fly. Ever. Daniel's 2nd time to fly. Ever. And can I just say this was the 1st time to fly internationally married with a 3 month old. Whole new ballgame since being single. 1 checked bag, 1 carry-on bag, and 3 personal bags. Hey. If there's no more room in the overhead compartment it's not my fault. Dad B was nervous about our travels with infant, but Ellie is a traveling champ (as you'll read more later). After all, she IS a Brantley baby. =) We drove nearly everyday to different parts of Israel. We saw Jerusalem, Mediterranean Sea, Sea of Galilee, Akko, Caesura, Bethlehem, Nazareth, and modern cities. The history there is astounding. Of course my favorite part was seeing my father in law. The visits and time we had together we're really sweet. He is coming back to the States in April. Can. Not. Wait.
12.23 we did a whirlwind of Christmas celebrations.
The Helms for brunch/afternoon and the Whitings for dinner/evening. I sure do love our family gatherings. I can never get enough of it. I'm really grateful Daniel feels the same way.
12.24 my small family loaded up again (but this time with Marmee and Poppee) to Newton, KS. Daniel and I felt it was important for us to make this trip. With the Nursing program being 18 months we knew our 2014 Christmas would be Texas and will most likely be 2 years before we are able to make another trip to KS. Everyone got to meet, love on and spoil Ellie with kisses and cuddles!
12.29-12-31 was spent making a maddash of throwing, packing, and cramming everything away. Sigh. I DO NOT CARE TO REPEAT THIS PROCESS AGAIN. At least for the time being. It was bittersweet to say goodbye to Apt. B who held some fond and not so fond memories. But through it all, it will be missed. Glad I will get to drive by it when going to CBC.
My faucet leaked big time as my small family loaded up once more to put the miles and distance between here and there.
I really dread crying. Since moving to AL God has blessed us with a church already and really at work. I am continually having to preach truth to myself and pray that God will change me. I long to have an attitude much like Ruth did when she left everything behind.
01.30 Ellie is growing and changing so much.
It is hard for me to watch sometimes because it is passing by so fast. I hate that our families are not here to watch it themselves. FaceTime helps some, but it is still not the same when you watch your dad hold her your baby to sleep and get Ellie to giggle. Or your mom listen to Ellie sing and share happy stories and sad stories. Or my father in law share memories of his own children doing the same thing Ellie is doing too. I miss those moments. . .
But God.
But God is still faithful. But God still knows exactly what He is doing today. But God still does what is the very best for me. But God still provides for our needs.
But God.
I have to remind myself in those tiny moments when time seems overwhelming and no one is near - But God.